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VLibrary.info Logo  "Executive, Administrative, Professional . . . Outside Salesman" Redefined. Effective October 24, 1940. Report and Recommendations of the Presiding Officer at Hearings Preliminary to Redefintion. (The Stein Report - 1940)

Wage and Hour Division. U. S. Department of Labor. (64 pages)

VLibrary.info Logo   Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938: Maximum Struggle for a Minimum Wage , By Jonathan Grossman.

"Jonathan Grossman was the Historian for the U.S. Department of Labor. Henry Guzda assisted. This article originally appeared in the Monthly Labor Review of June 1978. The final section, titled "The act as law" and containing dated material, has been omitted in the electronic version." [NOTE: This article was copied from https://www.dol.gov/general/aboutdol/history/flsa1938 on June 23, 2022] (17 pages)

VLibrary.info Logo   Growth of Labor Law in the United States

VLibrary.info Logo  Minimum-Wage Legislation in the United States and Foreign Countries (335 pages)

VLibrary.info Logo Minimum-Wage Legislation in the United States and Foreign Countries ; Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 167 : Bureau of Labor Statistics, Charles H. Verrill, Washington, D.C: Government Printing Office, April 1915. (335 pages)

VLibrary.info Logo   Overtime Exemptions in the Fair Labor Standards Act for Executive, Administrative, and Professional Employees. (R45722)

Congressional Research Service, Updated October 11, 2019 (18 pages)

VLibrary.info Logo   Overtime Exemptions in the Fair Labor Standards Act for White-Collar Employees: Frequently Asked Questions. (R45007)

Congressional Research Service, Updated Updated October 31, 2017 (34 pages)

VLibrary.info Logo  Regulation of Wages and Hours Prior to 1938

"Regulation of Wages and Hours Prior to 1938", Frank T. de Vyver, 6 Law and Contemporary Problems 323-332. (Summer 1939). Downloaded 2021-03-24 from https://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi&article=1960&context=lcp. (10 pages)

VLibrary.info Logo  Report and Recommendations on Proposed Revision of Regulations, Part 541 under the Fair Labor Standards Act Defining the Terms "Executive" "Administrative" "Professional" "Local Retailing Capacity" "Outside Salesman" (The Kantor Report - 1958)

Wage and Hour and Public Contracts Divisions, U. S. Department of Labor. March 1958 (14 pages)

VLibrary.info Logo  Report and Recommendations on Proposed Revision of Regulations, Part 541. Defining the Terms "Executive" "Administrative" "Professional" "Local Retailing Capacity" "Outside Salesman" ••••• as contained in Section 13 (a) (1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, providing exemptions from the wage and hour provisions of the act. (The Weiss Report - 1949)

Wage and Hour and Public Contracts Divisions, U. S. Department of Labor. (104 pages)

VLibrary.info Logo  The Coverage of the Fair Labor Standards Act and Other Problems in its Interpretation

Frank E. Cooper. 6 Law and Contemporary Problems 333-352 (Summer 1939) Available at: https://scholarship.law.duke.edu/lcp/vol6/iss3/3 (20 pages)

VLibrary.info Logo   The Fair Labor Standards Act: A Historical Sketch of the Overtime Pay Requirements of Section 13(a)(1) (RL32088)

Congressional Research Service, October 10, 1989 (85 pages)

VLibrary.info Logo The Fair Labor Standards Act : Analysis of Economic Issues In the Debates of 1937-1938

Congressional Research Service, August 28, 2007 (83 pages)

VLibrary.info Logo   The Fair Labor Standards Act: Exemption of “Executive, Administrative and Professional” Employees Under Section 13(a)(1). (RL31995)

Congressional Research Service, July 17, 2003 (27 pages)

VLibrary.info Logo  The Third Age of Human Memory

VLibrary.info Logo  Selected Definitions Relating to Information