October 22, 1938: The first version of 29 CFR 516 - Regulations on Records to be Kept by Employers - Published in the Federal Register on October 22, 1938.
June 25, 1938: The S. 2475 - Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, was approved by Congress and signed by the President.
Section 13(a)(1) in S. 2475, "Sec. 13. (a) The provisions of sections 6 and 7 shall not apply with respect to (1) any employee employed in a bona fide executive, administrative, professional, or local retailing capacity, or in the capacity of outside salesman (as such terms are defined and delimited by regulations of the Administrator);"
June 25, 1938 to October 20, 1938: Drafting the first version of 29 CFR 541
October 20, 1938: The first version of 29 CFR 541 - Defining and Delimiting the Terms "Any Employee Employed in a Bona Fide Executive, Administrative, Professional, or Local Retailing Capacity, or in the Capacity of Outside Salesman"
March 31, 2003: Proposed rule 29 CFR Part 541 published in the Federal Register
Maximum Hours and Overtime Compensation, issued by the Office of the General Counsel